How Does it Work?
How Sue to the Rescue Works
We are a one-stop service provider enabling you to get everything sorted without a fuss. You'll have peace of mind knowing a reliable and trustworthy person is there to support someone when you can't be there yourself or to help you out when you can't quite manage everything on your own.
We understand how last-minute emergencies really happen every day to someone and to make it just that little bit easier having someone to walk alongside you at your time in need will help reduce the stress and strain life can inflict upon us. For these bookings please make contact by telephone and we can check availability.
All costs incurred are additional ie:
Parking costs & road tolls
Entry fees, tickets, travel...
Items purchased e.g., grocery shopping
Mileage charged at $1.10 per km
If you live outside of Hamilton in the Waikato, additional charges apply, dependent on distance and time. I am happy to travel throughout NZ as needed, subject to availability, and internationally by negotiation.
Step 1
Contact me by email, telephone or text; or complete the online form.
Step 2
Please advise which service(s) you require, when and how long.
Question: Is the timing flexible?
Step 3
Provide all necessary information including name, address, telephone number, destination, who the appointment is for, any special requests e.g., car booster seat pickup or walking frame needed, allergies and medical issues. We operate as a pre-booked service, the above information is the minimum required in compliance with NZTA rules and regulations. (If booking online the date and time option will open once you click on the option to book).
Step 4
I will send a text reminder or call the day prior to your appointment to confirm the time of your pickup and follow-up any queries.
Step 5
I will meet you at your pickup address, we will do the activity planned or help as needed.
Step 6
At the conclusion of services, you have the option of paying by EFTPOS, Visa or Mastercard card or online banking by arrangement.